NAME csvio - facilities for reading and composing Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) data with awk. SYNOPSIS @include "csvio" csvimport([comma [, quote]]) result = csvrecord(afield [, comma [, quote]]) DESCRIPTION The csvio.awk library provides functions for reading and composing CSV data records: csvimport([comma [, quote]]) Converts the input CSV record into a regular awk record delimited by OFS. Automatically collects additional iput lines to complete the current input record if it contains EOLs embedded in fields. comma Optional. The CSV input field delimiter. Default comma (','). quote Optional. The CSV input quoting character. Default double quote ('"'). csvrecord(afield [, comma [, quote]]) Returns a CSV formatted string by composing the values in the afield array. If afield has a null value, compose the values of the current fields $1 to $NF. afield An array of field values, indexed from 1 to N. comma Optional. The resulting CSV field delimiter. Default comma (','). quote Optional. The resulting CSV quoting character. Default double quote ('"'). EXAMPLES Import CSV data: echo '007,"Bond, James",United Kingdom' | gawk ' @include "csvio" BEGIN {FS=OFS="|"} { csvimport() # --> $0 = "007|Bond, James|United Kingdom" }' Compose from an array of field values: f[1] = "007" f[2] = "Bond, James" f[3] = "United Kingdom" result = csvrecord(f) # --> '007,"Bond, James",United Kingdom' Compose from the current field values: FS=OFS="|" $0 = "007|Bond, James|United Kingdom" result = csvrecord() # --> '007,"Bond, James",United Kingdom' BUGS CSV fields with embedded EOLs are not supported when reading with redirected getline. AUTHOR Manuel Collado, COPYING PERMISSIONS Public domain. See UNLICENSE for details.